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Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring begins today!

Aaah, Spring is here once again. The perfect day to plant my first seeds in the "ground" (aka indoors on the window ledge) - my first time growing from seed. It's also the perfect day to set up my first Earthbox of the year with tomatoes! I'll let the Red Cherry and Sweet 100s transplants grow inside my sun-splashed kitchen and gain at least a one-month head start on the season! Because the Earthbox is on wheels, when it's the right time, I"ll simply roll it outside.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Earthbox at Gardenworks stores!

Earthboxes have arrived at Gardenworks stores!
Kind Gardens ran product demos and gave planting advice at the Burnaby and Mandeville locations this weekend. Now is the time to decide what organic veggies you would like to eat for free this summer from your Earthbox garden! Good early season plants: arugula, spinach and kale. These greens like cooler weather and less sunshine and, if planted now, you should get a full harvest before the heat of June comes on.